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Yaru Foundation

Yaru Funds Heartfelt Program in the NT

Funding from The Yaru Foundation has recently helped to enable Red Dust and their local partner Mamanta, to pilot a new Healthy Living Program education module on Tiwi Country in the NT, to raise awareness of rheumatic heart disease.  What is Rheumatic Heart Disease?  Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is linked to valve damage in the heart and can occur after an episode of acute rheumatic fever. However, it is more commonly associated with repeated episodes.  Despite RHD being both preventable and life-threatening, Australia experiences some of the highest rates worldwide. Over 5,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals are affected by either RHD or its precursor, Acute Rheumatic Fever (ARF).  About...

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Yaru launches indigenous youth sports grant

The Yaru Foundation is excited to announce the first of its annual sports grants that will be awarded to a young Indigenous person in the Northern Rivers region each year. The full title of the grant is The Yaru Foundation - Northern Rivers Regional Youth Indigenous Sports Grant. Meet Cedar, our first recipient of the grant. In 2022, Cedar's family home was devastated by the floods in the region, and despite this, she has continued to strive forward and demonstrate nothing but grit and determination in the sports she loves. Cedar's achievements over the past few years are extensive. She's been in the Ballina Netball representative team since 2020, competing in...

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